Contributing back to the community has always been vital in Srijan’s culture. We did take a back seat for some time like everyone in the industry;…
This month I gave a talk at SCDUG on encouraging creating testing plans for teams that have been resistant for any number of reasons. This talk…
I've never understood why you can't schedule the publication or unpublish a node in Drupal. WordPress does it. Joomla does it. Well guess what -…
We held an Amazee Labs Q&A session to discuss important topics related to web maintenance, extensions, upcycling, and getting more out of…
Most Drupal developers have come across this problem at least once. You are running a basic Drupal website, but somehow it only shows a plain…
Thinking of moving from SharePoint to Drupal? This article outlines the benefits of such a move, along with…
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Google has launched an important new feature to help bring critical alerts and announcements to the forefront of search. While COVID-19 has…
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How to get the current user information in a Block plugin Recently, while working on a project I had to build a block to show the user…
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I'm on vacation this week, and was catching up on my RSS feed. I read that the Australian government content management system GovCMS has reported…
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How to succeed with customer clubs? maja
August 12, 2020 Most store owners we talk to have mixed feelings about…
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