After three days of some informative and inspiring talks, it was time for contribution day, so everyone got their editors out, put on their…
The breakthrough in technology has brought a whole new range of tool suite for developers to make the software development process more efficient.…
The session was super packed, so not everybody could attend the session.Yesterday I presented the updates for the Configuration Management Initiative…
Testing Blog! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad…
A history of DrupalCon Europe through analysis of attendees, Amsterdam 2005 to Amsterdam 2019Amsterdam is the first city to host three European…
More content for smart speakers The steady rise of smart speakers has paved the way for new opportunities for…
We are happy to announce another great advancement in the Drupal user-friendliness field — the new core Help Topics module.
After a night full of singing Karaoke with the fellow Amazees, the day started a bit slower and later than usual. I made my way down to the lobby to…