Provides access to private files and images by injecting authentication token with a timestamp into their urls. Such a token will be validated when…
An "exterminator" for pesky Multiversion problems. Provides workarounds for failed uninstall logic in the Multiversion module.
The Block content suggestions module provides support for custom templates for custom block types created by Drupal administrators. This feature is…
This module enables directly searching the database for values in entity fields and replacing that text. It is currently under active development.…
The module adds text validation to arbitrary text fields on content types. Text for validation is configured as text with wildcards. When when a…
Integrates the Aparat Video Sharing Platform ( with Drupal core's media module.
This is a stalled attempt at creating a compound field. It ended up reducing the flexibility for controlling widgets on individual fields. Please…
This module allows an admin user to specify which settings of the Gin Admin Theme the respective user can use and which are not allowed. This module…
This module adds a Text Formatter which automatically adds a character count after the original string. For example "foo" becomes "foo (3)".