A simple module that exports aliases from pathauto module into a CSV file. Aliases can be downloaded by type (node, media, etc) or all of them at…
This module improves the appearance of the Drupal admin tabs (view, edit, translate, .. links). It shows a "settings" icon at a fixed position on the…
Overview The Layout Builder Title Link module provides a new URL field to the block configuration form in layout builder to overrides the title field…
Adds the CKEditor Footnotes plugin to CKEditor. Known Issue By default, in Drupal are absent the following files: /core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/styles…
This is a Drupal module that replaces some Drupal core theme functions with more extensible and backwards compatible versions. This is a utility…
The entity browser widget lacks the possibility of flagging the field widget in the form if an error occurs. This module flags the entity browser…
Synopsis GTmetrix is a free tool that analyzes your page's speed performance. Using PageSpeed and YSlow, GTmetrix generates scores for your pages and…
The module allows to add HTML classes to any rendered entity via UI. Installation Install the module as usual. It does not have any dependencies.…