This module will allow you to generate multiple terms on a vocabulary that you can use for sample or also on production. INSTALLATION: Install and…
Schedule delete - Alternate Utility Module This module provide option to scheduled node, Node deleted via drupal cron. This module will add a column…
Overview Kubernetes is a subsidiary module under Cloud module. Please refer to: Cloud Sponsor
Make all your forms in Drupal more accessible. This won't fix every accessibility issue with Drupal forms. The following features are available: No…
This module provides and adapts the jQuery plugin as a Drupal form element for a quiz of matching.
Description The Opquast Checklist module aims to improve the quality of online services through open-licensed checklists (Creative Commons BY-SA)…
About the DEV MODE module When you're developing a Drupal site, you want the caches off, CSS and JS aggregation off, twig debugging on, and verbose…
Gitlab CI/CD integration for a Drupal 8 module / theme or project. Include Build, Unit testing, Code quality, Code metrics and Deploy samples on…
Drupal 8 includes jQuery UI in core, however it is no longer actively maintained and has been marked deprecated. This module provides the jQuery UI…