"Webform Promotion Code" will expose a new field type called "Promotion code". This "Promotion code" will be rendered as a text field for your users…
Media: JoVe adds JoVe as a supported media provider.
This module implements a GoCardless payment method for the payment module.
D8+ only It is pretty common that admin operations are only allowed on a technical domain (e.g. example.my-company.com) that is different from the…
Focal Point S3fs Cache Utility module supporting image cache invalidate functionality with s3fs and focal point Flush s3 image cache when focal…
The Adnuntius module provides a block and field, that render Adnuntius ads.
User Extras is a module that provides extra functionalities to the user registration flow. It allows to create users using only the email field and…
The module provides tools for using samba shares. Allows create multiple samba server settings. Dependencies The module depends on SMB Library.…
This module integrates your Webform submissions with Mautic form submissions.