Drupal8 Plugin that displays the Yelp reviews and the Google map location of a store from the store's phone number. This module requires a "Yelp…
Provide some basic bootstrap4 layouts. Mainly used in layout builder . You can use bootstrap_library to load Bootstrap4 for your theme.
We created 'all_files' view that initially display just file IDs. In the hook we transform file IDs into links. The second view of the example…
Allows the use of tokens inside configuration values. It allows the use of any token inside Drupal's configuration system. This is useful when a…
About This Module Swiftmailer includes some default handling for embedding private files in email, but that will not always work correctly.…
Provides a nice login screen based on Claro. User Login User Register User Forgot Password ToDo's: Settings for images Upload custom image Custom…
How can I publish if I have limited internet capabilities? Let’s say you’re on the road, or in a place with limited wifi that won’t allow you to load…
ms react send message and notification to user you can send to user without not refresh page send file or custom notification can permission custom…
This module extends Masquerade by logging also the original user in all logger entries when the current user is masquerading.