Entity Delete Redirect Light weight module for redirecting to internal paths per entity type when its items are deleted.path : /admin/config/content…
Overview This module contains a GraphQL Field entityByObject where you can pass an serialized entity as an argument and you get the unserialized…
The module was created as the solution for this forum request. The module calculate the current season using the rules provided by client. Then, it…
Webform Force Anonymous is a very simple, lightweight module that gives the creator of a webform the option to force anonymous submissions for logged…
Gophish is a powerful, easy-to-use, open-source phishing toolkit meant to help pentesters and businesses conduct real-world phishing simulations.…
Adds Google Cloud Storage (Google Compute Engine) support to Drupal.
This module provides countries information like ISO2 code, ISO3 code, name, official name, numcode and continent via Taxonomy. REQUIREMENTS…
How can I publish if I have limited internet capabilities? Let’s say you’re on the road, or in a place with limited wifi that won’t allow you to load…
This module provides a way to delete the Selective Entities. Though we already have 'Bulk Delete' Module available to delete the nodes of specific…