This year 1xINTERNET has three nominations for the German and Austria Splash awards taking place next Thursday 29th of October. The event will be…
This year DrupalGov is virtual. The PreviousNext team is sponsoring and helping to run the DrupalGov 2020 Sprint Day on Wednesday 4 November,…
This month’s SC DUG featured Mauricio Orozco posing questions about getting started as a consultant to long-time members who have all done some work…
Drush is the ultimate tool and companion for Drupal and it does a great job in situations where we want to import or export our Drupal database.
The impact of this years’ shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines, along with every aspect of how we have coped -- or not coped --…
Third and Grove was recognized in the 2020 Acquia Engage Award program, receiving an award for Leader of the Pack - Financial Services, for work with…
Third and Grove was recognized in the 2020 Acquia Engage Award program, winning an award for Leader of the Pack - Technology, for work with…
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Add to Calendar buttons with AddEvent for Drupal 8 Travis Tomka Tue, 10/20/2020 - 16:28 Drupal The AddEvent module for Drupal 8…