As we look forward to the vaccine-influenced future beyond COVID-19, one of the very few things we have lived over the past 9 months that may…
Since we have been working in a remote setup for more than ten years, we always look forward to the yearly DrupalCon so we can finally see each other…
Traditionally, Drupal web applications are built using various entities like Content types, blocks, components using Layout Builder, and then the… is not your generic community platform - it's a tool that actively creates and enforces communication channels between the…
Website themes are pre-made designs for website content management systems or “CMS” like Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla. If you are looking for…
On a local project with the business directory site Ecoparker, we experienced the struggle of displaying a long list of products in small display…
Search is a technique used to find the position of any element or value in the list. The search is successful or unsuccessful depends on whether the…
The new realities of zero-click search and zero-click visitors are upending the long-standing key performance indicators (KPIs) that had helped to…
Even if you are not a technical person and do not have coding knowledge, you should use structured data on your Drupal website. Even though the…