1xINTERNET is participating in DrupalCon NA this year as Hallway Track sponsor, as well as hosting few sessions. Read this blog to get information…
Today's post is going to be a quick one; not because it is an easy topic but because a lot has been said about it already. Today, I want to share my…
My pickle of a problemPreviously, I have discussed my current work situation, which revolves around the fact that my organization is moving away from…
The past year has been a busy one for the Drupal Community Working Group (CWG), as we created a new "Community Health Team" and saw the stepping down…
I am a little late getting this blog published. The end of March and early part of April just blew right past. However, I wanted to share the…
Today's DrupalFest post is on the lighter side. I am just going to talk about some of the podcasts I listen to related to Drupal, PHP, and software…
Today, I want to share my thoughts from a book passage related to Drupal. The book, Everyday Chaos by David Weinberger, is largely about how chaos is…
DrupalCon NorthAmerica starts tomorrow, but it is still not too late to register! There will be quite interesting content and networking activities…
Agiledrop joins the Acquia partner program as a Bronze Level Partner to help grow their business in the Central Europe region. READ MORE