Generate XML code, which can be imported in Inxmail newsletters.
Provides field widget and formatter implementation for entity reference field type to render the referenced entity using Views.
Available Translation module provides a navigation menu block for the available translation language links of the content on which the block appears…
Manually purge cached resources from Cloudflare from Drupal site uses Guzzle HTTP client instead of cURL This module provides any Drupal user with…
A Pathauto for Autocomplete fields. Drupal 8/9 module to control Autocomplete field suggestions. Change how autocomplete suggestion list appears when…
JS Checkout is a solution for businesses who would like to collect payment on their platform with minimal coding. What else? This solution enables a…
This is to provide credits for
Cron Queue Invoker allows developers to specify a time interval on which they want the Queue to be invoked. This makes it very easy for developers to…
Allows blocks to be configured using UI Patterns and UI Patterns Settings.