This module implements extra filtering of text pasted from Word. Yes, we have the awesome Pastefromword CKEditor plugin now in the Drupal core. But…
CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Maintainers INTRODUCTION…
Adds a field to User showing who created the user and creates permissions around that field. Configuration Configure the user permissions in…
Provide d3 dashboard ecosystem from plain views.
Adds a migrate process plugin for working with file extensions and mime types. This should be used right after the usage of a download or file_copy…
Group Computed Field provides a computed field on entities that can be related to Groups in the Group module. The main purpose for this is to allow…
Do you want next/prior navigation between related nodes but you are not using the Book module or have explicit entity references in the node? This…
Add custom French language translation to Registration codes module.