Provides plug-and-play capability for users to save node revisions to the Arweave Permaweb. Simply enable the module and users will be able to add…
This module does nothing on its own. Combined with an upcoming version of Search API including #1960684: Allow filtering by "Language (with fallback…
Simply adding a required county field to all uk addresses. This module is heavily based on the example given in the address module (documented here:…
This project allows to create path aliases to specific nodes from imported csv files. how to use: -activate the extension - import your csv file at /…
This module provides Currency with currency exchange rates through, which are updated continually every day. Works only with UAH…
Allow alter html markup from twig with DomQuery library.
This module allows the use of X-OAuth-Authorization HTTP header for sending Bearer access tokens to get authenticated via OAuth. The alternative…
This module create a vocabulary with all the car models sell in Mexico in year 2018. So if you want to use it you dont need to type or import all…
This module prevents ckeditor from wrapping all content in paragraph tags. It is based on the StackOverflow answer…