This Module allows to insert embedded content (such as photos, videos, audio, and other rich media) via the OEmbed API using CKEditor. You only have…
Adicionar um novo grupo de elementos para acesso aos dados replicados USP.
Integrate STACKPATH with Drupal for purging content.
Replaces core action buttons (by default: save, view, delete) and the settings sidebar, from the node edition form, by floating buttons.
Say no to search engine crawlers. This tiny module prevents your site from being indexed by the search engines. It's recommended to use it with the…
This Drupal 8 module was created as a example for this forum question. The module demonstrates of creation custom operations links. In a view will be…
This Drupal 7 module is the solution for this forum question. The module extends 'Select options' webform component. It enables to prepopulate the…