The Organic groups Fields module let you create custom fields per OG group.
Export content in various ways and formats to various targets. Purpose: This module aims to support static- and/or JAMStack-like setups w/ Drupal as…
Provides a Drupal Commerce payment gateway for the Barclaycard ePDQ payment provider. Users are directed to an external page hosted by Barclaycard to…
Provides the field formatters to display all selected and unselected values of a list field. The module supports the following field types: List (…
This module provides a simple font resize feature that should be added to sites to improve accessibility. Module uses cookies to save users font-size…
This module is an extension of the Image Lazy Loader. The module adds the following functionality: Ability to add Lazy Loading to Picture Element
This module was designed for use with Headless Drupal sites and provides a simple way to request custom-sized images on-the-fly from your client…
This module provides a simple comments widget allowing site users to post comments filtering by Route or URL. This module is a simple alternative to…
Dashboard to make more sense of