This module integrates the sliCarousel library with Drupal which allows you to create responsive slider which is easy to use. sliCarousel is a…
Grids module will allow you enable/integrate any grid to your Drupal theme. The works is in progress... Sorry, but it's not for production use yet.
Bootstrap grid for Enhanced Grids module.
This module provides a REST API endpoint for client-side logging to core's dblog. It does so by using a RestResource to POST a JSON object that…
Drupal added the html5shiv asset library to core as a polyfill for older browsers that were not compatible with HTML5 elements. All of the browsers…
This module is a lightweight alternative to surveys such as Foresee to collect data from users visiting your site.
Drupal added the matchMedia asset library to core as a polyfill for browsers that did not support matchMedia and MediaQueryList to test media queries…