Generate a one-time login link for the user from the admin UI in Drupal8 or Drupal9 This module provides an option in the people's page in Drupal…
SMS validator is a drupal module that gives the possibility to send SMS code confirmation to the user phone. sms_validator required installation:…
Commerce PayTabs PT2 Description ----------- This module provides integration with the PayTabs payment gateway. CONTENTS OF THIS FILE…
The denormalized webform filters is adding filter for data directly pulled from a denormalized database table. As data from database are text, the…
A new entity type for managing data that should be stored in the database, but only displayed within or associated with other content. If you're…
Here is the idea for how this would work: Set up multiple path alias patterns Node type setting to allow selection of patterns that match Default is…
Adds a native php extractor to search_api_attachments to support pdf extraction on environments where installing binaries is not possible. The php…
Feeds Tamper plugin to import taxonomy terms with hierarchy support. It creates the taxonomy terms if they don't already exist, respecting the term…
This plugin can be used to embed the ReCollect widget on a Drupal site. It creates two blocks (one for the collection calendar, one for the waste…
A module that allows the admin to create different page layouts for use in Body CK Editors to standardize theming across your site. When maintaining…