A set of reusable utilities for entities, fields, strings, etc. for the back end. Current set of functions: 1. Array Trait. array_map($paths, array…
The module provide you alter autocomplete field suggestions list according other fields of entity.
The module provide you alter autocomplete field suggestions list according other fields of entity. Note : - Currently recommended for user entity…
With the Coronavirus pandemy, lots of people stocked toilet paper in an unsensible way, thinking its value may raise or it would be hard to find.…
This module exposes current user flaggings and entity flag counts over JSON:API Resources. //TODO Flag and unflag.
This module integrates Drupal applications with AWS Cloudwatch service. * It provides forms to search for specific/all logs in the AWS cloudwatch. *…
Role Language Negotiation module provides the ability for the site administrator to configure language negotiation depending on user roles.…
Creates an integration layer to export paragraphs as gutenberg blocks.
This module lets you access drupal entities without worrying about accidentally triggering a fatal exception. The class is loosely based on the Maybe…