Integrating Slick plugin to the Drupal. Demo: (Source code…
A click and collect extension for Drupal Commerce.
This module provides an additional interface that allows you to add blocks quicker than using the default sidebar of Drupal core. It will display a…
Dynamic Text Wrapper provides a new FieldFormatter which allows sitebuilders to break up text into "sections". Out of the box it provides a plugin…
This module prevents the language of an entity from being changed once the entity has been created.
Adds SKU token and field in product view_modes
Create new block to shown button for clean all facets filters.
Change the presentation of taxonomy term pages with Views, allowing you to create multiple Views on the same path with different output. This module…
This module improves on core's "Empty Node Frontpage behavior" area plugin (used in headers and footers) when used on views that show a restrictive…