This module provides a simple implementation of the Open Source Consent Management Software Klaro. Because Klaro is configured using a simple…
As a frontend guy I love CSS variables. I think they are "the future" because ...
Introduction Image Style Generate allows a site administrator to quickly create image styles in bulk, based on a defined set of rules and patterns.…
A simple module to add a floating Whatsapp link to send a message. Includes a configuration form to select the placement of the floating button and…
Provides a title paragraph that can replace regular page titles with a title, subtitle, and image.
The Jsonapi Role Access module allows you to manage access of jsonapi resources based on user role.It provide a simple setting from from where you…
Everyone knows that operating systems peaked with Windows XP, and it was around forever, just like Drupal 7. Now you can express all the awesomeness…
About Get media provided by a matrix bot in a group With this module one can get media from a matrix own bot to any drupal site. Once installed and…
This module provides the ability to add images, solid colors, and other unique backgrounds to any Layout Builder section. It is presently in active…
This module hold and show the site version