Simple Profile Privacy Module This module allows users to set profile privacy option. Checkbox allows a user to make a user profile private.…
This module stores alternative email addresses for users, in addition to the single primary email address stored in the user's mail field. This can…
This module helps to resolve the problem "Alt text replaced with Thumbnail" while using Media image entities -…
Block Title link will allow you to add link for Block title.
OpenID Connect client / plugin for Azure Active Directory B2C authentication This module is a Azure Active Directory B2C client for OpenID Connect.…
Entity reference field that comes with Drupal core allows creating a linear list of entity references. This module allows creating hierarchical…
A very simple like button Install module Place block Done!
The module gives a site owner options to configure specific custom messages shown to end users. The core Drupal message system as offered by…
This module allows administrators to use UTM parameters as conditions in Smart Content.