This module will provide media type link which is created using a media source plugin called 'link'. And it allows in creating media of type link for…
This module provides integration between Drupal messaging (message, message_subscribe, message_notify) and the GCNotify (https://notification.canada.…
This module provides a menu block that site builders can place so that end users can easily navigate a page hierarchy. Unlike the very useful Menu…
This module provides a Restrict images to trusted sites filter which allows administrators to provide a list of allowed hosts/domains for hosting…
The Allow Only One module was created to prevent duplicate content save, based on a combination of field values. This module provides a new field…
Simply provide embeddable Widgets defined in Widget Providers and Widgets classes. This module is intended for developers, it has no UI and…
This is a plugin for the Layout Builder Restrictions module. This plugin allows: - restricting what roles can place what blocks, in all layouts,…
Workgrid Toolbar project