Description This plugin is for Microsoft/Bing Ads conversion tracking with added support for Drupal Commerce. It will allow you to add your Microsoft…
The Node Visibility is a module that allows to use the Condition Plugins on nodes like we can use them on Blocks or in Page Manager. With it, you can…
This module allows you to require that the content supplied for entity fields, node titles or taxonomy terms names will unique if so configured in…
Provides a secured API endpoint with available project updates. The module is used for a service that is currently under active development. More…
API credentials manager Manage API credentials between environments. Dependencies - Encrypt
SimpleSAMLphp Attributes Mapping This module allows to mapping the simpleSAMLphp attributes to Drupal user fields when user is login through SAML.…
A HarID plugin for OpenID Connect module. Please see README file for more details and explanations.
CMRF is a CiviCRM remote integration toolkit. This repository is a Drupal module wrapping the core.