Join the team making Drupal 9 as part of the contribution events in person at DrupalCon Amsterdam and remotely! We'll be spending the last day of DrupalCon Amsterdam working on three things.

  1. Removing deprecated API use from Drupal 8 contributed projects to get them ready for Drupal 9.
  2. Updating core dependencies and removing deprecated APIs from Drupal 9 itself.
  3. Improve the tools and documentation that help people prepare for Drupal 9.

On October 31st, join on Slack even if you are there in person but definitely if you are remote. We'll meet in the #d9readiness channel on Drupal Slack. If you’re at Drupalcon Amsterdam, come to Europe 2 Forum!

To remove deprecated API use from contributed projects:

  1. Tools: Pull up the getting started info at and get set up with the drupal-check tool to check your code for deprecated API use.
  2. Help people who want to learn how to remove deprecated API use from projects, or remove some deprecated API use yourself! In minutes, you too could help make Drupal 9! Here are tips and tricks for the most common deprecated APIs:
  3. Pick an issue: Check the list of issues tagged Drupal 9 compatibility + Amsterdam2019 (or use your own module!).
  4. If you're a module developer who would like to "opt in" to having your module reviewed / patched by a new contributor there, please create (or tag an existing) issue with the Drupal 9 compatibility + Amsterdam2019 tags!

To remove the deprecated APIs themselves, update dependencies in Drupal 9 or improve the deprecated API checking tools and documentation, please ask for specifics in the Slack channel or in person. The Drupal 9 tables will be easy to find!

You can also help spread the word by retweeting this:

1xINTERNET will even supply a limited amount of stickers to proudly present that you made a difference!

Thanks everyone for contributing to making Drupal 9!