The Drupal Event Organizers Group had a very productive DrupalCon Seattle (look for a blog post soon) and is taking the momentum from our in-person meetings to keep the initiative moving forward. Our next step is to create an official charter (similar to that of the CWG) to solidify our mission, process, and membership.

To that end, the Event Organizers Group is putting out a call for members of our Formation Board. This small group will be tasked with drafting a charter, reviewing it with the larger group, and then getting approval from our BDFL within the next few months.

We have representation from the US, and our immediate need is for members across the globe. If you're passionate about event organizing in your area and would like to be involved, please reach out to Avi Schwab on the Event Organizers Slack. We'll be having meetings at least bi-monthly and working asynchronously between them to develop the charter. We're committed to ensuring global accessibility, and as such will be alternating meeting times across the globe.