Drupalcamp Spain 2019 - sessions, surf, food and community

Drupalcamp Spain 2019 took place last week in the beautiful city of Conil, in the South of Spain. We had not only great weather, food, company… but also great sessions! This year’s schedule also included the Spanish Splash Awards, Business Day and even a side-event for those accompanying attendees, called Family in Drupal, where they did activities such as yoga, surfing, horse-riding, etc.

Fran Garcia-LinaresWed, 05/15/2019 - 11:22

Drupalcamp Spain was a great gathering of people from not only Spain but many other countries. In fact, they offered two separate tracks, one in Spanish and one in English. As usual, it was difficult to choose which sessions to attend, but I think I got a really good mix and enjoyed them all thoroughly.

It’s also worth mentioning the registration bag that included a (very discreet) T-shirt, a bottle of wine (so my wife would be okay with me leaving her with the kids), a bottle of olive oil, some local tuna (Conil is a fishing town) and some other goodies.


I especially enjoyed the Friday afternoon English-track, which was “all about decoupled”. We saw an example of a project which started as a Drupal commerce site with some React components, which eventually became an app built in React native, integrating seamlessly with Drupal via GraphQL.

That was the perfect introduction to my talk, which was up next, about “GraphQL and Twig”, where I went through the whole process of installing, configuring and using GraphQL queries in your Twig templates, as a way of soft-decoupling some parts of your site. You can view the slides here: https://slides.com/fjgarlin/graphql-twig-drupalcamp-spain-2019.



I was very glad to see that my session seemed interesting and useful to attendees and I enjoyed getting to answer some questions right after the session and the following day. People were surprised about how easy it is to get up and running and how powerful this combination can be as well. The closing session on Friday afternoon was about Drupal + GatsbyJS, showing how easy it is to connect those two technologies and doing a live demo about it.

Group photo
Group photo - Jorge Caspio

Saturday was also loaded with interesting content, and I ended up going to sessions on topics ranging from QA, SEO, UX, Migrations, Continuous Integration, Content architecture… that’s a good mix for a day, isn’t it? The speakers were really engaging and I must say that I learned a lot on that day. I also enjoyed learning how other agencies work, how we all face similar problems and solve them in different (or sometimes similar) ways. It’s always refreshing to listen to other people's experiences. I must say that most of these learnings happened in-between sessions, chatting and walking around Conil, etc.

I want to give a big, big thanks to all the people who made this event possible: organizers (Ruben Tejeiro, 1xInternet, Drupal association Spain), speakers, photographer (Jorge Carpio), volunteers and attendees from all over.

Looking forward to next year’s edition, ¡muchas gracias por todo!