<img src="https://www.amazeelabs.com/sites/default/files/styles/leading_image/public/images/current-affairs/The-Business-Case-for-Going-Decoupled-Part-1_2.jpg?h=994a2424&itok=gAkAc_wV" width="1120" height="630" alt="The Business Case for Going Decoupled: Part One" title="The Business Case for Going Decoupled: Part One" class="image-style-leading-image" /> At Amazee Labs, we’re known for decoupled web development and building high-quality web applications using both Drupal and frontend technologies such as React and Gatsby. This can be in the form of standalone decoupled Drupal backends, modern decoupled frontend web apps or some combination of both packaged together as full-stack applications.